Section: New Results

Probabilistic Real-Time Systems

Participants : Liliana Cucu-Grosjean, Robert Davis, Adriana Gogonel, Codé Lo, Dorin Maxim, Cristian Maxim.

The advent of complex hardware, in response to the increasing demand for computing power in next generation systems, exacerbates some of the limitations of static timing analysis for the estimation of the worst-case execution time (WCET) estimation. In particular, the effort of acquiring (1) detail information on the hardware to develop an accurate model of its execution latency as well as (2) knowledge of the timing behaviour of the program in the presence of varying hardware conditions, such as those dependent on the history of previously executed instructions. These problems are also known as the timing analysis walls. The probabilistic timing analysis, a novel approach to the analysis of the timing behaviour of next-generation real-time embedded systems, provides answers to timing analysis walls. In [23] we have described the vision of FP7 IP PROXIMA, project that is interested in the introduction of randomization of the architectures at cache level. For this type of architecture static probabilistic timing analysis is possible [20] by providing bounds on the probabilistic execution time of a task. An industrial case study from avionics is detailed in [32] . Such distribution is then used as input for probabilistic scheduling as described in [37] , [36] .

This year we have also provided a complete state of the art of the probabilistic real-time systems in [17] .